Red Road to Recovery Program
10 week program
Honouring Men’s Wellness Camp
Camp Kitchikewana, Beausoleil Island, Georgian BayHonouring our men and their sacred wellness journey's, a week of teaching, sharing, growing and healing supported by the lands and waters of Georgian Bay,...
Red Road to Recovery Program
10 week program
MoonLodge with Grandmother Renee & Sarah Connors
ZoomRenewing our relationship with Grandmother Moon Teaching and Concepts incorporated in the MoonLodge are from Elder, Grandmother Renee Thomas-Hill (ISHS) Elder, Jan Longboat (Wabano)
Red Road to Recovery Program
10 week program
Gathering Our Bundles Intensive Wellness Journey September 26-29, 2022
Monday September 26 to Thursday September 29 9:00am-4:00pm daily (one hour lunch break) This dynamic program is delivered virtually and encompasses: Healing and wellness concepts...
Truth & Reconciliation Community Event – Barrie
Everyone is welcome to join us!
Truth & Reconciliation Community Event – Orillia
Everyone is welcome to join us!
Weekly Wellness Journey with Gathering Our Bundles: Life Promotion Initiatives
Take an eight week Wellness Journey with the GB Team. Explore identity, storytelling, culture, and wellness tools while learning about Life Promotion. This journey takes...